01.06.2011 PARIS




Fictions, publicités, documentaires, films corporate, créations originales. Turover accompagne tous les types de productions audiovisuelles. Souple, la structure, qui allie technicité et créativité, s’adapte à chaque projet. Son dessein : ouvrir le champ des possibles de toute création. Son identité visuelle rappelle les débuts de l’industrie cinématographique. Cette évocation graphique de l’histoire du septième art se décline sur différents supports : site Internet, affiches, papeterie…

Turover provides services for the production of films, from fictions, advertising films, documentaries and corporate films to original creations. The company is a flexible entity, offering highly technical skills and creative ideas to serve every project. Its mission is to widen the range of possibilities in any creation. The visual identity of the company suggests the early days of the cinema industry. The graphic design, reminiscent of the history of the 7th art form, has bee incorporated onto a number of communication materials such as website, posters, stationary, etc.

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